Write to Pastor Tim Stephens in Jail

Pastor Tim Stephens stands at the sacred desk to preach. Image source: video screen capture
Much like we did when Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church was imprisoned, we want to encourage our dear brother Pastor Tim Stephens, the Canadian Pastor incarcerated by the government for violating church lockdown restrictions after his church service was discovered by police. This is the result of their church building being seized and shut down, and the congregation choosing to worship in person rather than forced online.
From his wife, Raquel: “Due to health restrictions he’s in a mandatory 10-day quarantine where he gets 30 minutes/day outside of his cell. Please keep praying that the Lord would comfort him in his affliction and that he would rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer (Romans 12:12).”
It is for this reason that we would encourage all our readers to send him some mail, which can be received at:
Tim Stephens
c/o Calgary Remand Centre
12200 85 St NW
Calgary, AB, Canada
T3R 1J3
Prisons are very strict about what can be received and what the incoming mail must look like. It will all be searched and cannot contain any perfumes, contraband, or gifts.
Letters sent must be:
- written in normal blue or black ink
- sealed in a basic white envelope
- clearly addressed
- unmarked by stickers, crayon, paint, or marker.
Original article posted by staff at Protestia. It is reproduced here in full with permission for the purposes of information. Title altered by BereanNation.com.