New SBC President May Be A Heretic!

If you weren’t aware, this week, a new Southern Baptist President was elected amid growing schism between the enormous amount of progressives and the few remaining conservatives in the denomination. Once again, the liberal won–and he isn’t just a woke, social justice flaming progressive, he might even be a rank heretic.
Ed Litton, the new Southern Baptist President, is the pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, AL. And Redemption Church subscribes–at least according to their website–to a heretical view of the Trinity known as partialism. Partialism, as opposed to the orthodox view of the Trinity that acknowledges the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each as fully God, instead teaches that each person of the Trinity is a “part” of God.
The following is found on the church’s website under their “Our Beliefs” section.

While so many progressives are willing to overlook this not-so-minor error in exchange for a leader who is willing to advance a social justice agenda, this heresy is in stark conflict with…
Read entire article here.
Original article posted by staff at Reformation Charlotte. Title altered by