WHAT? CDN Border Service has ‘Urgent Need’ to Track 23M Canadians with Biometrics?!?

WHAT?  CDN Border Service has ‘Urgent Need’ to Track 23M Canadians with Biometrics?!?

Image: Public Service Alliance of Canada

I do not have a passport. Now I am unlikely to ever get one. I am not a criminal (until they make Christianity a crime in Canada, something I wonder how far away that really is). The idea of the government having and using my biometric data is repugnant to me for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that my doings, which are already non-criminal, are NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.

Rebel News is reporting the following:

The Canada Border Services Agency has confirmed the opening of an Office of Biometrics under new regulations that will embed computer chips in new passports.

An estimated 22.9 million Canadians hold a passport.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter

Exit Information Regulations will see the Agency use computer chips embedded in new passports to monitor every citizen who travels out of Canada. In-house research identified widespread opposition to the program.

“Future initiatives will include a consent-based model to ensure travelers understand how their information is collected, used, retained and disclosed,” said Louis-Carl Brissette Lesage, spokesperson for the Agency. Costs were not disclosed.

Read the entire article here.

It is not “coming,” my friends. It is here.

Original article posted by staff at Rebel News. Title altered by BereanNation.com.

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