The Intelligence Briefing | February 14, 2020 | S1E21

In today’s Intelligence Briefing, we find out where Michael Brown really stands theologically, we find out what happens when a former theonomist and a former fake gang member meet, that abortion doctors in Oklahoma will pay a hefty price for performing one, about a woman and her male friend performing their own abortion, and about how the TGC says that if you are a conservative, your politics are idolatrous…

Michael Brown finally names names (of critics, not heretics)

Former Theonomist meets up with former fake gang member

Oklahoma vote to strip abortion doctors of their medical licences

Woman charged with homicide after downing abortion pills and putting corpse in shoebox

Leftist Gospel Coalition warns (Conservative Christians) against making politic an idol

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Pastor JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen compares what people are saying about God to the Word of God. A podcast designed to train your ability to discern between right and almost right. Highlighting the “downgrade” of modern Christianity.

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