‘FURIOUS:’ Sheila Gunn Reid takes AB Premier Kenney to task for Pastor Tim Stephens arrest

‘FURIOUS:’ Sheila Gunn Reid takes AB Premier Kenney to task for Pastor Tim Stephens arrest

Image: Screenshot of video capture

Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary, Alberta is behind bars, following his second arrest on new charges after he held his religious services outdoors. The arrest of Pastor Tim compared to Premier Jason Kenney’s half-hearted apology for seemingly contravening the same rules provides a stark contrast of how COVID rule breakers are treated in the “strong and free” province.

On yesterday’s Rebel News DAILY Livestream, Sheila Gunn Reid was absolutely furious with how provincial officials have handled this situation, particularly the premier:

I hope those images of Tim’s kids reaching into that cop car to hold their dad’s hand — I hope that is a campaign ad against Jason Kenney.

I mean, I’m furious. I had to stop several times when I was watching the video last night just to get through it.

I hope that that is put on a billboard truck and it is driven around every single Jason Kenney campaign event forever. I hope those images hang like a millstone around his neck forever. I wonder if Jason Kenney can hear the shrieking and sobbing of Tim and [his wife] Raquel’s children all the way up there in Sky Palace.


See original article here.

Original article posted by staff at Rebel News. Title altered by BereanNation.com.

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