Beth Moore Does Not Get the Montana Reception She Wanted

Beth Moore Does Not Get the Montana Reception She Wanted

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When the news that Beth Moore was coming to the Flathead Valley in Montana for one of her conferences on June 25 and 26, she was warned that something might be amiss and that she might run into a bit of opposition to her comings and going, being warned by good friend and liberal buddy Karen Swallow Prior that she likely wouldn’t attain the all-encompassing adoring reception that she hoped.

Screenshot of the now famous tweet from Beth Moore and replay from Karen Swallow Prior.

Prior was absolutely prescient, as a group of Christians who are thoroughly unimpressed with the theologically compromised rabble-rousing that she’s been espousing decided to do something about it. The fact that she was being hosted by Youth With A Misson (YWAM) made the attraction to protest doubly attractive, as their partnerships with Roman Catholics and NAR would suggest their danger to be magnified. YWAM has so clearly drifted leftward, that even the local Flathead resident who purchased the YWAM army base many years ago remarked how over the last decade he has come to cease supporting or endorsing them, on account of their unsound teaching.

For Moore and the several hundred souls at her event, they were greeted by a group of about 10 people who put up signs and drop-carded the parking lot with posters of Moore while trying to avoid security. The one-sheets explained their grievances against her and included three QR Codes, linking to all the Beth Moore posts on Protestia and Pulpit & Pen, and then finally a sermon clip preached by JD Hall about Beth Moore and why she is the fox in the henhouse. The poster reads in part:

Beth Moore has drifted and her mission has changed. She’s not here to faithfully preach and teach the bible, but rather to advance her progressive message and Democratic ideals. She promotes Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, and has become the Grandmother to the Woke Evangelical Movement. In the last two years, she called her denomination “racist,” said the church was “full of white supremacists,” called a pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice priestess a “woman of faith,” and condemned sharing the gospel and praying for others at a Black Lives Matter event.”

Some of the faithful gathered to picket the faithless held up signs that read “Go home Commie” and “Jesus isn’t racist, calling attention to her harmful ideologies and newfound progressive bent she’s taken to mugging for on Twitter.

Protesters gather with signs to tell Beth Moore to return to her domicile. Photo: Montana Daily Gazette Staff

Fortunately for Beth Moore, the event was discovered on relatively short notice, otherwise she would have had a whole lot more people mobilized against her- discerning men and women who could spot the danger that comes from Moore teach and preaching, and wanting to warn their brothers and sisters away from her.

This article originally appeared at and appears here with full permissions.

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