Lightning Strikes Down George Floyd Mural – God 1, False Religion 0…

Lightning Strikes Down George Floyd Mural – God 1, False Religion 0…

Image: Twitter screen capture

TOLEDO, OH — A mural painted on the side of a brick building on the corner of Summit and Lagrange has been destroyed, according to multiple news reports. The mural was, according to WTVG, struck around 4:30 PM and confirmed by doppler radar.

George Floyd has become the universal symbol for the cult of wokeness–those who gather around for the worship of their saint, George Floyd, have created a new religion altogether. The woke cult, which also permeates through factions of the visible church through teachers like Eric Mason, Jemar Tisby, and Thabiti Anyabwile, has elevated George Floyd to nearly the status of deity by painting him as a martyr of their faith.

The woke cult is rooted in a Marxist philosophy known as Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a heretical worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School, and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in…

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Original article posted by staff at Reformation Charlotte. Title altered by

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