MSM Ignore CDN Doctors about Official COVID-19 Narrative

MSM Ignore CDN Doctors about Official COVID-19 Narrative

Image: Video capture screenshot, courtesy Rebel News

Canada’s mainstream media showed their true colours this past week by refusing to report on the censorship of doctors and scientists across the country, which was exposed in a June 17 press conference on Parliament Hill hosted by independent MP Derek Sloan.

That conference quickly began the most viewed parliamentary proceedings that CPAC, Canada’s Cable Public Affairs Channel, has ever aired, proving how starved people are for the other side of the story when it comes to the politically filtered narrative on all things COVID. And yet mainstream media across the board refused to put aside their biases and cover the event, even though doing so could have the potential to save many lives.

Government-loyal media outlets refuse to inform the public about experts who have called out public health officials for failing to provide the public with information about life-saving treatments for COVID-19, and alarming concerns and injuries related to the emergency use only COVID-19 vaccines, especially in children. The attacks that experts who do speak out about such things receive appear not to have been the only recent assault on free speech.

Despite flying across Canada to cover the parliamentary conference for you, in this video you’ll see an attempt by a staff member in the Confederation Building on Parliament Hill to prevent myself, some of the whistleblower doctors who would speak later that day, and a social media crew from freely attending a pre-meeting in MP Sloan’s office to discuss informing the public about this important topic.

Watch this full report to judge the strange interaction for yourself.

You’ll also hear from the brave experts that spoke out…

Read entire article here.

Original article posted by Drea Humphrey at Rebel News. Title altered by

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