Facistbook Bans BereanNation.com

This was my screen when I submitted to Facebook's demand to prove that I was a real person and that I am who I say I am. I know lawyers if they let this information out in any way.
For all those that thought they had a few years before the persecution began in earnest, we can now tell you that isn’t the case. It has already begun here in Canada with the House of Commons passing the despicable piece of legislation called Bill C-10, which has died in process we hope, but now it continues onto Big Tech. Facebook has banned me personally as persona non grata for 30 day (at least). To gain access once again, there are some conditions attached…
First, they want me to make what they called a “video selfie.” You know that that is, right? They want your facial biometrics so that the deep state can keep better tabs on you. Don’t believe in a deep state? Neither do I. Here’s the secret handshake. 😉 This in itself does not worry me, because although these tools make them very powerful, our God is almighty, and can do whatever He wants. They will not thwart His purposes, though they may frustrate mine (with things like watch or no-fly lists). I did it anyway, only to have them tell me that my selfie could not be accepted. That could be a dupe, because the statement itself means they got a version of it, they just couldn’t use it. I wonder if it had something to do with my prescription glasses?
Then, they did something I REALLY hesitated about. They asked me for a screenshot of my drivers license. That’s something fraudsters will ask for. I toyed for a moment with making a fake one to feed them, but I decided against it as a form of lying. In the end I gave them the data, but not before opting out, which means they are SUPPOSED TO delete it when they are done with it, but I know they won’t. Again, I’m not worried about it, because government agencies already HAVE this information and can watch me anytime they want. I hope they brought something to do to fight the boredom, I don’t really do a lot outside my house, and haven’t for a while. I’m a real homebody. I even have a mug that says, “Home is my happy place.” So I submitted one (I have had one on file for years). Then I got this message:

i take it from that message that they are in no hurry to delete it. That’s okay, I can wait. And if they ever allow me access to my account again, I will download all of it’s contents and say goodbye to all my friends with a “Gone Fishing – Permanently” sign with where to find me on Gab. (Follow the link to get to me on Gab by the way, come and follow me there. I do follow back when I remember to do it.)
Interestingly, all the other gents I work with in the USA didn’t have to do any of this. It also happened to other compatriots of mine that were from Canada. They seem to want us to prove that we are real people and that we are who we say we are. Maybe this is their fascist way of asking politely. Maybe I don’t care. Actually, there’s no maybe about that. I don’t care, because God is decidedly bigger than Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg: You need to seriously repent of all of your intrusion into people’s lives and the restriction of their GOD-GIVEN free speech. You can’t expect those of us that God Himself called as protectors of the flock to take this lying down. Repent, Mark. Jesus loves you too, whether you believe in Him or not. turn to Him and He will save you from yourself and this crazy path you have chosen for yourself. I hope you see this, too. Info about how you can contact me is on this site. Please do, and we can talk. I don’t make that offer all the time, and I mean it. There is a three-hour difference if you are in California.
God bless you all.