Weekly Book Study – 2023 Dec 08

The team at BereanNation.com analyze and discuss Paul Washer’s ‘The Gospel’s Power & Message’. They encourage participation in their online community and recommend visiting their Rumble channel. Additionally, they promote Gerry’s book on Discipleship, available for purchase on Amazon.

Weekly Book Study – 2023 Dec 08

The guys at BereanNation.com read and discuss The Gospel’s Power & Message by Paul Washer.

Join the Community: http://bereannation.locals.com/

Like the Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-1335153

Buy Gerry’s book on Discipleship: https://www.amazon.ca/Practical-Discipleship-Gerry-Brinkman-ebook/dp/B00CLVL58C/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1D3WO2U9QSSVW&keywords=practical+discipleship&qid=1682721253&sprefix=practical+discioleship%2Caps%2C70&sr=8-4

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