‘It’s Understandable’: Canadian Churches Burn While Politicos Party On

The upside-down flag is a universal symbol for someone in distress. In this case, we are ALL in distress in Canada...
In less than a month, arsonists have attacked more than 20 churches in Canada – and many U.S. and Canadian collectivists have applauded the violence.
You won’t get the full picture from Dinosaur Media, but you can rely on Tucker Carlson, Ezra Levant of the Canadian-based RebelNews, and us here at MRCTV to explain.
Let’s lay it out.
Since June, international press have reported on what appeared to be the discovery of unmarked mass graves — suspected of being repositories for the bodies of crime victims – at numerous church sites across Canada, which appeared to have been sites where the Canadian government engaged in what was called the Indian Boarding School policy.
As the excellent documentary exposé,“Our Spirits Don’t Speak English,” narrated by actor Peter Coyote, explains, the policy of shoving indigenous people into government-sanctioned “schools” was not isolated to the Canadian government. For more than a century, from the late 1800s to 1970, the U.S. government engaged in the same vile and tyrannical practice: kidnapping native Indian children, moving them far from their families and tribes, and then “de-nativizing” them through beatings and indoctrination called “education.”
The stories are tragic, horrific, and infuriating, and some of the victims are alive to tell about it. Take Andrew Windboy, a Cree who, as a child, was snatched from his home and locked into one of the many “boarding schools” located in the northern U.S. and southern Canada:
It [Cree] was my first language. I didn’t know any other language. So, when I’d talk, I— it came up, Cree would come out. Whenever I’d talk I— I’d get hit. I got hit some much I—I lost my tongue. I lost my native tongue.
There is ample evidence of the crimes in the U.S. and Canadian government policies, and the crimes committed by those who instituted those policies.
And, throughout this period of time, many Canadian churches received and housed native children, with some participating in the wicked government plan.
And that appears to be the twisted rationale for these arsonists’ violent attacks – attacks following what appeared to be recent discoveries on certain church properties of unmarked Canadian burial sites for hundreds of native boarding school prisoners.
At first, observers of the discoveries believed these to be mass graves that were the result of intentional murder. But, as Brian Lilley of the Toronto Sun notes, information about the graves has been available for years.
The discovery of 215 unmarked graves in Kamloops, the 751 in Cowessess, the 104 found in Brandon and many more sure to come have been shocking to many Canadians but they shouldn’t have been, not if we were listening.
Lilley writes that the information on the graves appeared in a 2015 report, and:
These were not hidden cemeteries as some have wrongfully thought or implied, they were part of the whole horrid system. The schools had cemeteries because the government refused to pay to transport the bodies of students who died back to their parents.
Most of the students died as a result of illness – illness that often could be prevalent at the boarding facilities, so the individuals running the churches at the time might not be seen as having committed murder, per se, but they were part of a murderous, tyrannical system.
A system in which the government did not even bother to respect the remains of those that its policies had killed:
These weren’t unmarked graves at the beginning either. Just as the government wouldn’t pay for sending bodies home, they wouldn’t pay for headstones and so the graves were given a simple wooden marker. The report speaks of these markers decaying over the years or in the case of a school in Regina, the cemetery fence and markers were destroyed by fire and not replaced.
From the report, Lilley also notes this:
When the Battleford school in Saskatchewan closed in 1914, Principal E. Matheson reminded Indian Affairs that there was a school cemetery that contained the bodies of 70 to 80 individuals, most of whom were former students” the Truth and Reconciliation report states. “He worried that unless the government took steps to care for the cemetery, it would be overrun by stray cattle. Such advice, when ignored, led to instances of neglect, with very distressing results.
And the New American’s Selwyn Duke observes that many on the left are not just overlooking the long-standing governmental awareness of the graves, they are conspicuously PRAISING the arsonists for exacting some sort of long-awaited justice.
Consider that the head of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association — an immigrant from India named Harsha Walia — actually reacted to the arson by stating, ‘Burn it all down’
Duke kindly embedded the captured image of her tweet, just to let people see for themselves how this “head” of a “civil rights” organization looks at the violence.
Duke also let readers know about Dr. Rema Berns-McGown, a New Democrat Party member of the Ontario Provincial Government, and her July 6 expression of “solidarity” for Walia, linking to her insultingly effusive and clichéd Tweet:
Standing in solidarity with Harsha Walia, @HarshaWalia. She is smart, principled, thoughtful, fierce in the best way You know you’re effective when ppl who support inequity & the old racist colonial ways come at you Change is gonna come regardless, & Harsha is a true leader
Then, there’s the supa-fresh style of Trudeau advisor and “Climate” specialist Gerald Butts, a man whose name must be the butt of many jokes, but whose Twitter statement is what actually deserves mockery.
As Duke notes Butt “…called the burnings ‘understandable’…”
Read entire article here.
Original article posted by P. Gardner Goldsmith at mrcTV. Title altered by BereanNation.com.