Disgraced Evangelist Clayton Jennings facing Police Investigation

In what can only be described as pastoral sexual misconduct, disgraced evangelist Clayton Jennings has sent photos of his own genitals to a 16-year-old girl. Although Jennings has tacitly denied this with his ongoing ministry efforts, the pastor of the congregation where that 16-year-old girl has provided all that relevant information to the local and federal authorities in an effort to get Mr. Jennings to desist the activity.
Those of you at the BereanNation.com know that I take the role of pastor-teacher and evangelist very seriously. According to 1 Timothy 2 and 3 and Titus 1, this minister, who has had his licence to be a minister in that denomination revoked after he departed from the reconciliation process, this man is now permanently disqualified from pastoring a church ever again. You can see more on how deep this particular rabbit hole is here:
Now, Clayton Jennings’ public relations person is attempting to bury the truth on the internet by use of sophisticated algorithms intended to bury the main news outlet that broke the story, pulpitandpen.org. This must not pass. This is about far more than a failed evangelist. This is about the ongoing abuse of women at the hands of a predator that MUST be stopped. Worse, this individual is engaging in federal crimes to attempt to cover up reporting on this (there is published and documented evidence of hacking of several of Mr. Jennings’ victims as well as attempts on at least one news outlet). Spread the headline, fellow Bereans!