Andy Stanley Shows He Is Unfit to Pastor in Tweet Response to Fake-Christian-with-a-Theology-Degree Jory Micah

Andy Stanley Shows He Is Unfit to Pastor in Tweet Response to Fake-Christian-with-a-Theology-Degree Jory Micah

Image courtesy of Reformation Charlotte

You really can’t make this stuff up. A few years ago, Andy Stanley took a lot of heat after making the assertion that Christians need to “unhitch” from the Old Testament because the law does not apply to Christians.

Now, two of Christendom’s most notable idiots have joined together to unhitch Jesus from the Bible altogether.

In a recent tweet on social media, celebrity nitwit, Jory Micah, contended that the goal of Christianity is to be Christlike rather than biblical. Andy Stanley agreed.

Of course, the first question that comes to any sane person’s mind is: how do we know how to be Christlike? If you guess “the bible,” you’d be correct.

Andy Stanley, in fact, has already essentially “unhitched” Jesus from the Scriptures. In 2020, Andy Stanley told his congregation on Easter Sunday that we “don’t believe in the resurrection because of the Bible.” Of course, he didn’t give a valid explanation of why anyone should believe in…

Read entire article here.

Original article posted by staff at Reformation Charlotte. Title altered by

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