SBC Endorses Full-on Marxism

I have never been a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, but my wife was before our marriage, and until we transferred her membership to a Canadian Baptist denomination.

The recent convention was hijacked by leftist change agents right out from under the membership. The original fellow who looked at the Marxist dialectic of Intersectionality and Critical Race Theory (better named as critical victimhood theory if you ask me) actually wanted them rejected out of hand, and the committee that makes such motions altered his original motion and reversed what he said (he called them Marxist directly).

Check out this article from a fellow who has been saying this for years, and whose final analysis of the SBC matches my own. You can phrase mine like this: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not be participants in her punishment…”

Let Me Explain How the SBC Just Officially Endorsed Marxism

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