2022 May 22 Sermon Livestream Replay
Gerry teaches the relevance of the fourth beatitude of the nine Jesus spoke. https://youtu.be/m-ayfD1lqYM
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Gerry teaches the relevance of the fourth beatitude of the nine Jesus spoke. https://youtu.be/m-ayfD1lqYM
Gerry teaches through 1 Peter 4:1-11. https://youtu.be/h_PpYV0KghE
Gerry teaches through 1 Peter 3:13-22. https://youtu.be/cXx5YWiuP7E
Gerry teaches through 1 Peter 3:1-12. https://youtu.be/zh4DtU3c73Y
Gerry teaches through 1 Peter 2:13-25. https://youtu.be/1vRQTrDyW5Y