Calvin and Kuyper Staff Expose Hopeless Works Burden Of ‘Anti-racist’ Christianity

(WokePreacherclips) Montage of an April 2021 webinar, “White Work,” put on by the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) in partnership with Calvin University and the Antioch podcast, in observance of the YWCA’s national campaign to Stand Against Racism.
Hopefully you can see this is a completely different religion than Christianity where works are everything and grace is nothing, where activism is eschatology and holiness comes from what demographic you were born into. In contrast, Jesus tells us: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” [Matthew 11:28-30]
This edit was made from 15 clips with fuller context, which can be seen here:
A small sampling from the transcript:
“White people, when we’re entering into paces where we’re going to talk about racism there’s this whole series of kind of mental gymnastics, or at least that’s what I experience, and so trying to prepare how do I be vulnerable and be honest and yet not center myself, not be performative. I just kind of want to normalize that level of anxiety.”
“It is such a huge part of trying to come alongside anti-racism work as a white person. It’s interrogating and over interrogating our own motives for what we’re doing.”
“The lie that I have come to believe is that I can empathize with anybody across racial and cultural lines if I just try.”
“When I notice myself thinking I’m a good white person, I’m learning to ask the question afterward does this mean I have an unreachable spirit?”
“There is a loneliness in doing this work. I know better at this point than to go to my friends of color and be like ‘oh this is so hard can you believe it?’
[Editor’s note: The video clips are from Woke Preacher Clips, transcript was provided by]
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