1 Corinthians Studies Complete!

1 Corinthians Studies Complete!

Like I said at the end of the study this past Thursday, I feel like I’ve run a marathon of sorts. Before we begin the next marathon into 2 Corinthians, the last of Paul’s corrective letters to the church in Corinth, I decided I would take two weeks off to catch up with myself and to update some of the “administrivia” that this site and the ministry requires. I’m doing all this around my active part-time job (I work in a flooring store), and as a lay-pastor in my congregation (who is sometimes called upon for preaching or pastoral care, and sometimes preparing the worship itself (picking the songs, and performing them with the band). As you can imagine, I’m a busy boy, and I have major health issues, of the kind that would complicate our most recent public menace, COVID-19. I’m an overweight diabetic heart patient with high blood pressure, all of which would combine in me for a bad outcome if I were to contract it. I may as well drink the bloody hand sanitizer, right? (LOL)

But seriously, I enjoy what I am doing in my service for Christ. This is an update to where you can find the page with links to all the study notes and video replays. Scroll to the bottom of this page. Happy studying!

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